Gomes da Silva
Resumed Timeline:
1994 Started dancing.
2001 Started taking regular classes.
2003 Won his first Dance Competition.
2005 - 2006 Taught officially for the first time.
2006 - Won the Progress Batlle (Break Dance).
2007 Organized his first dance event.
2007 - 2009 Studied/performed . Aplauso Internat. DC
2010 Studied Ballroom Dance in New York USA.
2011 - 2014 Teacher for School Social Projects.
2013 Finalist of the Got Talent Brasil at Record TV.
2012 - 2016 Studied/taught - Ponto de Equlibrio DC.
2013 Founded the Código Brasil Dance Company.
2014 - 2015 Taught/performed onboard - Costa Cruises.
2016 Founded the Moriah Dance Studio - Rio, Brazil.
2017 - Now Started teaching at Dance Gallery - Zurich.
2017 - 2021 Taught at Dance4fun - Zurich.
2017 Created the Bachatreff.
2019 Choreographed for "Mission Paradise" Show.
2020 Concluded the Bachata World Dance Mastery.
2022 Founded the Felinas show group.
2022 Organized an internat. festival (BT LUXUS Week).
2022 Founded the Dance Spot Zurich.
2023 Choreographed for "Abenteuerland" Show.
Zusammengefasste Übersicht:
1994 Begann mit dem Tanzen
2001 Begann regelmässig an Tanzunterricht teilzunehmen
2003 Gewann seinen ersten Tanzwettbewerb
2005 - 2006 Unterrichtete erstmals offiziell
2006 Gewann den Progress Battle (Break Dance)
2007 Organisierte seine erste Tanzveranstaltung
2007 - 2009 Studium/Auftritte – Aplauso Internat., DC
2010 Studierte Ballroom Dance in New York, USA.
2011 – 2014 Lehrer für Schulsozialprojekte
2013 Finalist des «Got Talent Brasil» bei Record TV.
2012 – 2016 Studierte & unterrichtete am Ponto de Equlibrio, DC.
2013 Gründete die Código Brasil Dance Company
2014 – 2015 Unterrichtete/ Performte an Bord des Kreuzfahrtschiffs für Costa Cruises
2016 Gründete des Moriah Dance Studio – Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.
2017 – 2024 Unterrichtete an der Dance Gallery – Zürich, Schweiz
2017 – 2021 Unterrichtete bei Dance4fun – Zürich, Schweiz
2017 – 2024 Workshops und Shows an diversen nationalen und internationalen Festivals
2017 Gründung der Veranstaltung Bachatreff
2019 Choreograph für die Show „Mission Paradise “
2020 Abschluss der Bachata World Dance Mastery
2022 Gründete die Tanzschule Dance Spot Zürich
2022 Organisierte sein erstes internationales Bachata-Festival (BT LUXUS Week)
2022 Gründung der Showgruppe Felinas
2023 Choreograph für die Show "Abenteuerland"
2023 Turkey Summer Dance Festival
2023 Tanzreise Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
2024 Gründung der Veranstaltung Bachatown
2024 Turkey Summer Dance Festival

Curves Fit Academy - Rio de Janeiro, 2008

Marcus 4 years old - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Judging at GBG Urban Festival Brazil, 2009
Somewhere in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a local 8 years old boy starts dancing in a very natural way. After getting artistic inspirations from Michael Jackson's hipe; Latin American music and specially all of that 80s/90s world dance fever.
A small room shared to his 2 older brothers would be his first dance floor to develop his first moves.
Time pass and that boy is growing together to his dance skills, making things deeper and more in serious.
A search for technic and a source of informations would lead him to start taking classes. First around 2001, with his favorite dance crew (the Overnight), leaded by Glauco Araujo, then later to an institutional dance school.
In 2003 Marcus decided to create his first dance group (Dream Dance), so putting his skills in test beside his dance studies.
With the Dream Dance Marcus danced for 3 years and had his first official performance and his first award.
The experiences from performances and competitions inserted that now teenager boy definitely in the local dance scene.
Between his awards and experiences its worth to mention that Marcus was finalist of the Got Talent Brasil in 2013.
In 2005 Marcus got a chance teach officially for the first, right when growing an adult. Art mania Fitness & Dance was the place where he could feel being a teacher for the first time. That first feeling of sharing with people made Marcus decide that he would somehow live from dancing (even being something extremely hard to do in Brazil). Since then, one door opening the other and he never stoped doing this work.
Sometimes little less classes cause of other goals like shows, competitions, bookings and complemental jobs for financial support but ever sharing his experiences to his students.
2007 Marcus would begin taking high technic classes from Galpão Aplauso. That's an artistic school that was offering artistic classes in Dance; Circus; Sing and Drumming to over 500 youth. By the way it's not so hard to guess wich class Marcus decided for).
Supported by the brazilian government Galpão Aplauso has also an artistic company that's very good connected to national and international dance & artistic scene. So the chance for Marcus to start his international carreer was closer than ever. After showing his skills and improvement Marcus get the chance to be part of the artistic company. After thinking about it he decided not to be part of the company so having more time and focus to keep on getting a deeper improvement in dance technic. Body isolations; Body control; Posture & Expression; Dynamik were the main points of improvement that Marcus get from this time.
In 2008 Marcus gets, from a friend, the choreographer Jussara Ferreira an invitation to participate of the João Wlamir's Dance Contest (one of the most respected choreographers of Brazil) at the FAETEC Theater, in Rio.
At this opportunity he gets no just the first place's award, after performing a powerful street dance solo, but there would start a big change at his dance path by meeting Fernando Marques, director of Ponto de Equilibrio School & Dance Company. Fernando invited Marcus to be part of his team, getting the yes only three years later in 2012, when Marcus schedule get a little roomy.
Specialized in Ballroom; Zouk, Samba; Salsa; Latin Dances, this school helped Marcus to open up his horizons and a possibility to apply all of his dance education previously studied, to couple dance styles.
Since the beginning of his time at Ponto de Equilibrio Marcus took this new challenge as chance of plus for his dance abilities.
The Marcus also taught there after while learning from the local masters (Fernando Marques; Vanessa Marques; Fernando Cesar).
Two years later Marcus get an invite through the choreographer João Wlamir to participate of an audition so being selected to a qualifying dance program that included the opportunity of studying Dance for some months in New York! The school Dance Times Square specialized in Ballroom and Latin and brought his couple dances skills to another level. His main teachers Aaron Mitchum & Kristina Reese afforded him specially a high level of shoulder moves, posture, spins leading timing as of course get him deep into Latin and Ballroom Dances.
Another goal for Marcus was finally face and improve a lot his language skills before getting back home.
In 2011 the social projects, Escola Aberta; Pro Jovem and Mais Educação, supported by the federal brazilian government contracted artists to give children and youth artistic courses like: Music; Gymnastics and of course Dance in schools. Marcus ex primary teacher Carla was now coordinating that project and didn't hesitate to contract Marcus to give dance courses, after hearing about Marcus professional steps.
A few months later Marcus get some more recommendations and and get to teach now for 3 similar projects, in 4 different schools.
3 years sharing his learn and experiences would actually make him a much more experienced professional.
Beautiful moments like a chance for many times to bringing hopeless children to a big professional stage for the first time are memories never to be forgotten.
The beginning of 2013 Marcus get approved to the finals of the Got Talent Brasil show (Rede Record Tv), not being the big winner but satisfied to be finalist between over thousand of artists. Matter keep on adding experience.
Same year Marcus decided reuniting some good and experienced dancers and founded the Codigo Brazil Dance Company, so having his first real leading/ choreograph experience the CBDC worked many hours per week in different dance styles and had remarkable performances at many important events from Rio and Brazil.
Later, same year was working as a seller in an office to complement his wage when he's get an e.mail offering a chance to work traveling around the world, on board cruise ships as Dancing Maestro. The current situation would lead him to apply for that chance. After a very selective process Marcus get approved and flown to Venice, Italy to embarking to his most aggregating experience. Working on board the Costa Cruises ships as Dancing Maestro the years 2014 - 2015 would definitely lead Marcus life path.
His job was: Performing dance shows at the onboard theater; Being a Taxi Dancer crowds of guests at thematic dance parties (onboard and ashore); Giving groupal and private dance classes (Salsa; Bachata; Lambada; Cha cha; Argentine Tango...).
Working onboard the costa fleet Marcus could for the first time feel how's having his dance classes joined by over two hundred people at once.
Traveling around over 30 countries he improved his spanish and english, as learned italian and tried out his first words in german in order to please more guests (without knowing that it would sonly be his next fix idiom).
Sharing skills tom other dancers and teachers on board, as going to get master classes when stopped in a country as a smart idea to keep on improving his skills.
In 2015 Marcus had enough from that amazing but extremely heavy onboard experience and decided to quit the onboard life, excited to share all of his experiences wherever he goes.
A romantic invite made Marcus go to know Zurich, Switzerland. Friendly contacts would connected him to two dance schools, Dance Gallery & Dance4fun. Those schools appreciated his work, so inviting him to work, for his staying time, for Dance Gallery as a summer substitute teacher, and for Dance4fun giving summer special course.
The language was still a barrier at this point but the good connection between teacher, school, students, in a short time, gave Marcus an offer to get an official teacher from these two schools.
Marcus get back to Brazil already part with of his heart Zurich. After a relaxing and deeply thinking he would take Dance Gallery's and Dance4fun's offer since he was deciding to get back to Switzerland, having his life in Zurich.
But Marcus couldn't be just stopped in time while taking care of his documentations and respecting the mandatory period abroad. He reunited again many of his ex-students and new ones and founded the "Moriah International Dance Studio" in Rio de Janeiro.
Salsa; Bachata; Hip Hop; Breaking; Lady Style, Walking & Vogue, where the courses offered by Marcus and his studio at his first experience managing as studio from his own.
In 2017 Marcus closed his studio and get back to Zurich Switzerland and so started teaching at the Dance Gallery and Dance4fun.
It worth to mention Meet2Dance and Dance4fun as important names to be kept in Marcus heart, whenever the reminds his first professional steps in Switzerland.
That's also an important year since is when Marcus started to be booked for workshops and shows at events, now specially in Switzerland.
Another important thing, for Marcus, as for the Bachata scene in Zurich is that in 2017 Marcus created the first event focused Bachata in town (the Bachatreff), after realizing how much, between the many dance styles, his dance path leaded him very deep into Bachata.
In 2020 Marcus was busy with bookings for shows and workshops for events and festivals in Switzerland and Europe, as with his weekly dance event. So he decided to supplement his technics and concluded the Bachata World Mastering courses by teachers like Daniel & Desiree and Ataca & La Alemana.
In 2022 Marcus reunited many top national & international dance artists, DJ's and dance schools to afford the first Edition of Bachatreff LUXUS Week. Celebrating 6th anniversary of his weekly event (Bachatreff)
A very successful and amazing time... So many people from many cities, some from other countries, just sharing love and dance.
Get ready! Next one must come stronger yet!
In 2022 and 2023
° Marcus founded in August 2022 the Dance Spot Zurich, where he manages and teaches.
° Teach and performs for national and international events and festivals (Ex: Turkey Summer Festival; Brasil Bachata Festival; Bachata Fever)
° Founded and choreograph the Felinas show group (DSZ's Ladies Team).
° Keeps on spreading Bachata in Switzerland through the Bachatreff ; his Shows and Classes.
° Teaches at Dance Gallery.

Liceu das Artes Theather 2010

Sapatille Dance Dance School, 2011

Codigo Brasil Dance Company, 2013

Got Talent Brasil Finalist, 2013

Costa Cruises Ship, Europe & Caribbean, 2014

Costa Cruises Theater, Europe & Caribbean, 2015

Moriah Internat. Dance Studio, Rio de Janeiro, 2016

Effretikon Festival, Zurich, 2017

Theatersaal Effretikon, Zurich, 2019

Backstage from Bachata Day, San Gallen, 2019

Bachata Festival, Zurich, 2020

Bachatreff, Zurich, 2021

Bachatreff Luxus Week, Zurich, 2022
Marcus on a swiss newspaper, 2019